Tuesday, December 20, 2011

From the Google Doc 7

WJD TUE 12 DEC 2011
The linguistic differences are enough that, for all intents and purposes, you can divide them into two separate languages ie. they are similar in structure, but not mutually intelligible, like say English and German, but less pronounced; so I guess more like French and Spanish. Realistically, there are different dialects that count as separate languages for every single tribe, but we are attempting to keep things simple, and even Caesar knew that the Gauls really just spoke Gaulish (and the language of the Britons was nearly identical, also it was noted by Romans that had spent time in Gaul that Galatian was the same as Gaulish) Whether Ligurians or Picts joined the migration too is something we can decide now, I never considered the Ligurians in the 1990s, but I did bring some Picts. The vast majority of migrants were Gauls and Britons though, with a substantial minority of Celt-Iberians & Irish Gaels, then a smattering of Picts.

The Saxons show up circa 450 CE as part of their invasion of/migration to Britain. I have always assumed that they got brought over during a storm at sea where most of them would have died anyway and landed near the site of Wodansburgh, they are led to believe they were brought here by Wodan. The Agent of the Darkness that brought them here did so using a powerful direct transference gate type spell and “rescued” the entire tribe of migrating Saxons. I figure 10-15 thousand people and their goods isn’t really out of line there. They immediately run into some Sidhe refugees fleeing the Garnian invasion of their homeland and wackiness ensues. Saxons have stirrups too, thanks to Attila’s invasion of the Roman empire, which is actually one of the reasons they are moving to Britain.
Updated Garnia Timeline-
60 BCE- Pan-Celtic religious movement results in mass migration of Celts from all over central and western Europe and the British Isles migrating to GW.

58-51 BCE Caesar conquers Gaul.

43 CE Roman invasion of Britain (Prydain to the natives, FYI, Britain is a Latinization), the campaign will have three major phases and never completely conquer Britain, but the Roman province of Britain will become a fairly important outpost of the empire until it is abandoned in the 5th century. This will leave the thoroughly Romanized Britons at the mercy of their Celtic neighbors to the north that avoided the Roman yoke, their Celtic neighbors across the Irish sea, who also avoided the Roman yoke, and the Saxon hordes descending upon them from across the north sea. I assume that if we are going to use the multiple migrations model, this period of time 43-78 CE is a good time to get out, after this the power of the Druids is broken in both Britain and Gaul, they have the one religion the Romans worked hard to exterminate, despite what the Christians say.

Meanwhile in GW- from 50 BCE to 150 CE the Celts are busy becoming masters of the steppe.

Circa 70 CE they are going to have filled the Steppe to capacity and begin competing with each other for resources and/or searching for other places to go. That means inter tribal warfare begins again, probably on a small, raiding scale- heroic proving your manhood type stuff. It also means moving into mountain valleys where they are hospitable and that means building towns (Oppida) probably. Northern Khazarak probably isn’t the most welcoming place for new human settlements, just because it’s full to bursting with Goblinoids and worse, but to the far west, where I put the Celtic city-states on the map anyway, seems pretty reasonable. They could also build ocean coastal cities out there because of the lower latitude if we wanted them to. Otherwise, the great rift and the big glacier cut them off from anything but a narrow approach to what will eventually become north-eastern Garnia.

Where to go from here? I figure by this point the Sidhe have certainly noticed the humans on the northern steppes, but they are immortal and take the long view, so they study the problem and debate amongst themselves and, I guess we would consider it procrastination or ignoring it; but they’re immortal so there’s just no need to make a hasty decision. I am sure some of the Sidhe, particularly the soldiers, are alarmed, but since it’s not a pressing threat, and they have other really pressing threats, the “human problem” can wait. Until it can’t.

I figure sometime around 150-ish the Sidhe make the mistake of riling up the humans, by 175 CE they are united under their first High King Gwaryn (a P-Celtic speaker, if you’re interested), and they invade the Sidhe Empire much to the dismay of the Sidhe. Elves may be uber-everything, but they have their weaknesses, and a key weakness is their inability to adapt. Humans have hyperadaptability as a key advantage. Sidhe also breed slowly, because of their immortal nature, Humans breed pretty quickly. Sidhe take fewer chances with magic because of their natural connection to magic, Humans are natural risk takers and really curious besides.
By 230 CE the Sidhe are driven from modern Garnia’s borders (except Tamigwavr). Assume there has been a successful succession in the interim, and around 230 CE a succession crisis, tanistry will do that. The Mistlanders break off and go their own way (the mountainous area to the northeast of Garnia bordering the great rift). The Sidhe Empire is still in control of the territory that will become Tirnakaur (tenuously) and Frodia (more securely), Khazarak has been neutral in the conflict, for their own reasons.

I have started a Garnia development blog, because I think it will be easier than scrolling through this long document.

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